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Showing posts from November, 2014


Societies develop and grow by virtue of the change that the human civilization in general goes through.  For so long, we have been so apprehensive towards this "natural" process of change,  out of fear that we might lose the essence of who we are. We are an Arabic Islamic society,  and we cherish that. It is deeply rooted in our being -and living- it scares us to ever give it away. But we won't give it away. We cannot give it away. Because it is who we are, any -positive- change regardless of how gruesome it is won't take that away from us. The way I see it, the world was developing, growing, and changing while we were right here "stuck" fighting the change so we don't jeopardise our values, not realizing that by doing so we are losing the coherence of our -modern- culture. It wasn't until recently that we started realizing that this attitude is not helping us anymore. It wasn't until recently that we realized that the change is not bad, a...