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Showing posts from 2016

In Memory of Our Wasted Youth

Eve r notice d ho w al l thos e bi g fight s ar e lef t hangin g no t becaus e w e don' t car e, bu t becaus e everyon e i s bus y fightin g th e littl e fight s i n hop e tha t someda y they'l l ad d u p t o somethin g.      Hone y, wak e u p.      Lo ok a t th e year s behin d u s an d realiz e tha t tim e i s onl y dimmin g th e fir e tha t wa s onc e burnin g insid e, an d no w we 're jus t collectivel y acclimate d t o havin g ou r fles h shed . - Th e me n tha t use d t o bur n over our bloo d spillin g. 

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"If our contemporaries are not encouraged to accept their multiple affiliations and allegiances; if they cannot reconcile their need for identity  with an open and unprejudiced tolerance of other cultures; if they feel they have to choose between denial of the self and denial of the other --- then we shall be bringing into being legions of the lost and hordes of bloodthirsty madmen." -Amin Maalouf, 1998.     I've been stuck for a very long time trying to figure out what should the next Baby Step be, and honestly I didn't manage to go that far.      Most of my thoughts were generally surrounding the notion of empathy; or better empowering empathy. But how, to what extent and concerning what exactly that has been a never ending dilemma to wrap my head around; until I accidentally went back to Maalouf's  Les identités meurtrières, which explores into the meaning of identity and the gruesome acts of expression committed in...