The other day I was talking to a friend who is really very beautiful and she was saying that she really hates it when "disgusting" men stare at her face in the hospital and how she is considering to cover it solely for that reason. Yesterday I was talking to another friend who was bothered by the mannerism some men speak to her addressing her by "hey" and " يا مرا ". A girl was walking in front of me and the door was lodged and she spent a few seconds "trying" repeatedly and gently to open it, until my friend leaned forward and forcefully opened it on first attempt for her. A girl in our class so cute so pretty and I'd actually like her or be her friend if she didn't walk around like she is made of glass that's about to be broken. Yesterday a girl was examining the patient and I didn't even notice her until the doctor said your examination technique is excellent when God knows ...
It is beyond me how history turned the woman from the Goddess the leader the source of life, the power, the beauty, the creator into this belittled, controlled secondary being that -apparently- doesn't have the mind, the strength, the responsibility to stand alone without the shadows of man. How did man turn into the main subject of life? The center of life? The light and guide? With what merit or power, when the ultimate true gift -super power- of being resides in the female body? When even the anatomical differences presumed to be what gives man his strength and superiority, with a little critical thinking, only points towards the bearing of a woman? Lately, I've been going through really interesting feelings and thoughts induced by my Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation. Putting my existential crisis and my absolute faith that the only solution for World's problems is the extinction of the human race aside, my apprehensi...